Sunday, November 19, 2006

Basketball Goals Allowed?

We've heard a rumor that there is a petition to allow basketball goals in front of your home. This would be a change from the curent situation as I know it. Can anyone confirm/deny this rumor?
Also any details of this proposed change would be welcome. For example: Will they only be allowed while in use (roll back in nightly) or are permanent locations permissible?


Anonymous said...

We were told that basketball hoops (unless you can roll it into your garage at night) and trampolines were not allowed in the community; however, every other house seems to have one or the other. What is the offical word?

Anonymous said...

Yes, there should be shortly a petition to go around for signatures to allow basketball hoops. From my undertanding there needs to be 70% of the community to sign and approve. I am for allowing it but it would be nice to have a restriction on it so we don't have broken down ones ( ugly eyesores ) How does every feel on this issue, do we all want and will give our signature on this or not? Just wondering on everyones thoughts.

Anonymous said...

There should definetly be restrictions based on use. Also, until and unless the amendment is passed, they are not allowed and should not be visible in the community. Rampart Properties needs to enforce this, along with the many other violations of the current declarations.