Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rampart Properties - Basketball Goals

Basketball Goals:
I've been told that NO Lennar run communities will ever allow basketball goals. Perhaps after the HoA takes over they make that change but under no circumstances will they allow them while Lenner runs the HoA.

In fact I asked bluntly about the rumor that several people were told by Kelly Moran that Rampart/Lennar would never fine them for their basketball goals... here is the answer:

While it is true that no fine will be directly assessed for non-compliance issues, the actual process is in fact worse. Rampart will issue a "friendly reminder", then a few weeks later a written notice and finally after 30 days a certified letter referring the issue to mediation. Mediation will occur without your presence (the lawyer is in the Rampart office once a month) and you will be responsible for the legal fees associated with reviewing the case.

This is simply how it was explained to me - I have my doubts and reservations, but I'll hold them for now.

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