Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rampart Properties - Documents on this Blog.

I've been asked by Rampart not to post documents or instructions to ARC (architecture) processes on this blog. They feel it would be entering into a legal issue. I won't even get into my rant about this - we'll leave it at this... HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Rampart suggested that this blog detracts from the "official" web page for Lake Talia. Never mind that the "official" website has exactly "0" information that is useful to residents or perhaps we should ignore the fact that it has the name of our community misspelled. Rampart feels (and I agree) that the HoA, once it is created 12-24 months from now can replace their "official" web page with anything the HoA chooses, but until then we should rely on the crap they feed us.... ...err I mean the resources provided by Rampart. I am in no way advocating a change in the official web page - in fact if you read the header of this blog it states that this is an unofficial resource and I intend on keeping it that way. The point is to provide information and context around decisions and actions of this community for new and future residents.

All that said - whatever... I'll do what is necessary to ease the sharing of information for our community. So if there is information you think would be helpful to see on this blog let me know and we'll post it up here for everyone to have easy access to.

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